Node Configuration

Node Configuration

Node types

There are a few node types that can be run on Sei network which serve a variety of purposes. These include:

  • rpc / full nodes: these nodes are generally used for querying data or interacting with the chain. They maintain some state but not since genesis. The default settings will run rpc / full nodes.
  • archive nodes: maintain full state of the blockchain from genesis. Generally requires large disks. To enable this type of node, set min-retain-blocks=0 and pruning="nothing" in your app.toml
  • state sync nodes: provide snapshot data for other nodes to use to bootstrap onto the chain. To enable this type of node, set enable=true under the [statesync] section in config.toml
  • validator nodes: provide security to the chain by proposing and signing blocks. To enable this type of node, set mode=validator in config.toml. Note that because Sei is proof-of-stake, you must have enough delegation to join the active set

Commonly Used Ports

Seid uses the following TCP ports. Toggle their settings to match your environment.

  • 26656: The default port for the P2P protocol. This port is used to communicate with other nodes and must be open to join a network.
  • 1317: The default port for interacting with the Seid API server for HTTP RESTful requests. This allows applications and services to interact with the seid instance through RPC.
  • 26660: The default port for interacting with the Prometheus database, which can be used to monitor the environment. In the default configuration, this port is not open.
  • 26657: The default port for the RPC protocol. Because this port is used for querying and sending transactions, it must be open for serving queries from seid.
  • 8545: The default port for the EVM RPC port. This allows applications and services to interact with EVM via HTTP RESTful requests.
  • 8546: The default port for the EVM websocket port. This allows applications and services to interact with EVM via websocket such as wscat.

These ports are all customizable in $HOME/.sei/config/config.toml and $HOME/.sei/config/app/toml discussed in the later sections along with other fields.

Systemd File Template

Description=Sei Node
ExecStart=<PATH_TO_SEID>/seid start --chain-id <Network>
# wait 30 seconds before restarting the service after it has failed.
#  wait up to 30 seconds for the service to stop gracefully when it is being stopped.
# send the SIGINT signal (equivalent to pressing Ctrl-C) to the service process when it is being stopped
# giving it a chance to shut down gracefully.